Last weekend I did my second December wedding. I've been so happy to see decorated trees up as part of the decor, since Wolfgang and I haven't had time to put ours up. The last few years it's been going up as an Xmas Eve activity and that will hold true for this year as well. I have an old tacky 50s aluminum tree that Wolf scoffed at the first year we were together, but I think he's secretly become quite fond of it...or maybe it's because it can only hold so many ornaments before toppling over, therefore much easier to put up!

Pam & Todd were married in Beckley, West Virginia and we'd been hoping for a nice dusting of snow. Ha, ha, and HA! It was over 60 degrees! So, no snow, but I did get some nice winter sunset portraits outside without worrying about Pam turning into an icicle. Cold or lack thereof, Pam still wore her cute fluffy wrap...which later Todd wore as a cummerbund...yes...I have a shot of that, too.

One thing I really like about doing out of town weddings: getting back to the hotel just in time to catch the Law & Order marathon. We don't have cable; if we did, we'd never get anything done between Comedy Central, the Food Network, and the History Channel...and Cartoon Network, Animal Planet...yeah, no cable for us. So I luxuriate in hundreds of channels and a bed with no kitties stepping on my face to wake me up. Then I appreciate going home to my little family after being away for a few quiet nights.

I just finished Pam & Todd's slideshow, which means I can now relax for the next few days and enjoy the holiday. Next up, Julie & David's New Year's Eve wedding! They're planning to play 80s hair metal at the reception...when I told Wolfgang (who will be assisting me) he had one word in response: "yes!"