I heard a story from
Aaron Nelson about a friend of his, a Coast Guard public affairs officer (who is also a fellow photograher) and her Navy fiancé who were trying to get married before the groom was deployed for Afghanistan. I was typing an email to him half way through reading, saying "I WANNA SHOOT IT!!!"
Most of us will never have to face the obstacles or long-term separation that war brings. We take so much for granted. Ana and Shawn's wedding is a tribute to what weddings are really for: joining two people who want to spend the rest of their lives together. It's not about the dress or the cake or the perfect flowers, a perfectly orchestrated schedule, or who's sitting next to who. The only thing that matters is showing up and saying "I do."
The wedding was to take place at the Admiral's house on the military owned side of Treasure Island in the SF bay. Anyone who knows me can tell you I micro-manage. I like to be thoroughly prepared. I was in for a surprise.
Me: So how many people are coming? Ana: 15. Me: I'm sorry, 115? Ana: No, 15. Me: faaan-tastic! Oh, and the schedule? It had two times on it: hotel for hair & make up @ 12, ceremony at 4. I didn't know what to do with myself. This was going to be awesome. And off to San Francisco Kate and I went!
Ana lives in New Orleans and if you've ever been there and not visited
Trashy Diva, you're totally missing out. This gorgeous little boutique is full of stunning vintage dresses and recreations and it's one of those places you swoon over and wish for an occasion that warrants buying a dress here. Ana didn't hesitate a second to snatch up this silk dress and the velvet wrap she wore over it.

Her stylist whipped her hair up into a beautiful '40s style.

totally in love with these colours ~

When we arrived at the house, I started asking where and how things were happening and Ana pointed to the grass and said they were thinking about down there and they were going to let us figure out the best place for everyone to stand. It was great. No fuss, just "hey are we ready down there?" "Yeah!" And here comes the bride.

I didn't meet Shawn until about 15 minutes before the ceremony...I liked him right away.

Kate is responsible for the gorgeous shot below.

Now I want a little lemon tree in my garden. They're just so happy and cute.

Also happy and cute ~

This next image is the reaction while Ana's dad and Shawn compare the stars and stripes on their cuffs...Shawn was pouting.

Shawn's cousin officiated the wedding; it was his first one and he did a stellar job! And I just love the "bible."

There's a story behind the "mac & cheese." You'll just have to trust me that it's a good one. Ha!

The reception dinner was on Forbes Island, which is actually a giant houseboat in the bay. The view was spectacular. And I have to admit, I really like the sealions going "ort ort ort" all night.

These are my favorites. I collect vintage photographs and all the elements that I love came together in these next two. The clothing, the setting, the lighting...neither of these were set up...they just happened.

Dinner was great. We all just sat around the table talking, eating, and toasting.

A few days later, Shawn was half way around the world. And for the record, the dress was fabulous, the flowers were lovely, and dessert was great, but the important thing is they got married and they are undoubtedly perfect for each other. I pray they can be together again very very soon.
By the way,
Shawn keeps a blog about his time overseas. Ana married a very funny man. ;)
{ dress ~ trashy diva, new orleans / flowers ~ church street flowers, sf/ reception dinner ~ forbes island, sf }
**this just in: a quote from Ana about Church Street Flowers ~ What was wonderful about them? I just called them told them the general colors..."every shade of blue you think works, with wine accents!" and they did it all on their own. I am SO in love with "Love in the Mist" a flower I did not see until that day. I have already bought the pods to plant my own!
Kitty, I love everything about this wedding (except for the fact that Shawn had to leave) and how you and Kate captured it. It's perfect.
Beautiful work Kitty. Loved reading the story as well.
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