Sunday, August 19, 2007

禮 攝影 師 Yup. That's me.

I googled my own name tonight out of curiosity and the first thing that turns up is in fact my site....with this as the title: 禮 攝影 師 kitty maer

?!?!? It translates to "wedding ceremony photographer." Which is fine. And I love Chinese weddings. But I still have no idea how the characters got there! Weird, huh?

(I know this doesn't count as an "update" to this blog...but I'm working on it!) :)

1 comment:

Angela Anderson Photography said...

This may not be a full update but I will take what I can get!

It was sooo awesome hanging out with you in Indy. Can we please hang out again soon? Please?

Oh yeah and update with photos! Photos, girl! That is what you do!